Tagged: shortform

Text World Theory. Image @adynamicreader - Text World Theory

Text World Theory

Text World Theory is ‘a cognitive-linguistic model of human discourse processing’. The new Text World Theory site features links to monographs as well as teaching resources including workshops and lesson plans. Visit them now!

Aachen research team in cognitive literary studies: ART CogLit

ART CogLit

ART CogLit. Quoting from the project site, this research group conducts ‘empirical investigations of the observed reactions of real readers in order to test and extend hypotheses on ideal reading processes and reader responses...

The day I approached the historical. Featured image @adynamicreader - The day I approached the historical

The day I approached the historical

The morning of June 14th was clear, hot, and hilly. If you’re going to break in a new pair of boots, don’t do it in Nottingham. Fortunately, I’d arrived on campus with twenty minutes to spare to consult maps and make my own approach gingerly.

Recogito: linked data via geo-spatial mapping. Image @adynamicreader - The Resourceful Reader

The Resourceful Reader – Digital Tools

A quick run through some digital resources and tools: three for the Classically-minded and one for the creative reader – exploring intertextual parallels, scanning verse, making maps from text and interactive storytelling.

Playing with Twine. Featured Image @adynamicreader - Playing with Twine

Playing with Twine – an experiment on Cyzicus

Twine’s a user-friendly story-building tool that I’ve (mis-)used to make a short interactive reading experiment. The sample text (unsurprisingly) is taken from the Argonautica: A.R. 1.922-984, the Argonauts’ arrival at Cyzicus. Brave the island alone or call upon allies for advice – the choice, reader, is yours!