Tagged: reader-experience
Trapped in the bandit lair, a young woman narrates her dream. How do we read it? How does she intend us to read it? By supplementing my narratological tool-kit with a borrowed stylistic one, I map out the transitivity processes, instances of agency and density of evaluative language involved in the construction of her (dream-)world.
Then Iphinoe led him through a beautiful porch and seated him on a gleaming chair before her mistress, who turned her eyes from him, maiden cheeks flushed red. Still, despite her embarrassment, she addressed him with well-crafted words.
‘First at the head of legendary crime stands Lemnos. People shudder and moan, and can’t forget – each new horror that comes we call the hells of Lemnos.’
Text World Theory is ‘a cognitive-linguistic model of human discourse processing’. The new Text World Theory site features links to monographs as well as teaching resources including workshops and lesson plans. Visit them now!
‘She had told the lovely-haired maids in her house to set a great three-legged cauldron over the fire, so there could be hot water for Hektor’s bath when he came home from battle – poor child, she did not know that far away from any baths bright-eyed Athene had brought him down at the hands of Achilleus’.
Negotiating a neologism in Catullus 64. Is ‘nutrices’ a point of ingress into a world of myth (and art), an intertextual trigger, a distraction cloaking a temporal and thematic shift, a narrative device utilising the male gaze? All these and more?
‘Suspense thus essentially relates to the dynamics of ongoing action; curiosity to the dynamics of temporal deformation.’ Some thoughts on the ordering of exposition in the Argonautica’s Lemnian episode and how reordering might affect a reader’s experience and interpretation of the narrative.
ART CogLit. Quoting from the project site, this research group conducts ‘empirical investigations of the observed reactions of real readers in order to test and extend hypotheses on ideal reading processes and reader responses...
Not everything in a narrative helps the reader’s transportation into a storyworld. Sometimes a narrator reminds us that we’re not actually there at all. A preliminary exploration of aitia in the Argonautica, considering how they might affect a reader’s immersion.
Stanzel, concerned with what the reader can fill in, makes a distinction between ‘spaces’ that can be filled with help from the text and ‘gaps’ in time and/or space which the reader must face alone – a post looking at indeterminacies in the Argonautica’s proem with the help of Stanzel, Iser and Sternberg. Complementary stories, reader-construction and narrative interest!
A return to allusive space. Fallible memory and fictional memory. Tracking weavers of text and following poetic threads in Ovid’s Metamorphoses; from the daughters of Minyas to the Fates, from Rome to Alexandria and back again.
Twine’s a user-friendly story-building tool that I’ve (mis-)used to make a short interactive reading experiment. The sample text (unsurprisingly) is taken from the Argonautica: A.R. 1.922-984, the Argonauts’ arrival at Cyzicus. Brave the island alone or call upon allies for advice – the choice, reader, is yours!