Tagged: deixis

“Woman with a Yellow Jacket” by August Macke

How to read dreams: narratological and stylistic analyses of Metamorphoses 4.27

Trapped in the bandit lair, a young woman narrates her dream. How do we read it? How does she intend us to read it? By supplementing my narratological tool-kit with a borrowed stylistic one, I map out the transitivity processes, instances of agency and density of evaluative language involved in the construction of her (dream-)world.

“Cupido” by Edvard Munch, 1863-1944

Adjusting the dynamics of narrative interest: an experiment on Lemnos

‘Suspense thus essentially relates to the dynamics of ongoing action; curiosity to the dynamics of temporal deformation.’ Some thoughts on the ordering of exposition in the Argonautica’s Lemnian episode and how reordering might affect a reader’s experience and interpretation of the narrative.

The day I approached the historical. Featured image @adynamicreader - The day I approached the historical

The day I approached the historical

The morning of June 14th was clear, hot, and hilly. If you’re going to break in a new pair of boots, don’t do it in Nottingham. Fortunately, I’d arrived on campus with twenty minutes to spare to consult maps and make my own approach gingerly.