Introductory Latin: Conditional sentences

Exercise 34: Conditional sentences


A: si/nisi + indicative (‘open conditions’)

Translate as normal, though note the Latin idiom in A (‘open’) conditionals in the future e.g.

si hoc facies/feceris, peccabis = If you do this you will do wrong.

Here English uses the present tense in the ‘if’ clause, Latin uses future/future perfect indicative; until you are familiar with this usage you may translate literally.


B: si/nisi + subjunctive (‘closed conditions’)

i) si + pluperfect subjunctive in both parts of sentence

si umquam ( = ever) me amavisses, non haec fecisses.
If you had ever loved me you would not have done this.

ii) si + imperfect subjunctive in both parts

si me amares, nunc me adiuvares.
If you loved me you would help me now.

iii) si + present subjunctive in both parts

si haec dicas, non credamus.
If you should say this, we would not believe.

iv) You may also come across ‘mixed conditionals’ (i + ii) e.g.

si me umquam amavisses, nunc me adiuvares.
If you had ever loved me, you would help me now.

Note: You may translate the subjunctive in the si/nisi part of B.i ii and iv as English indicatives.


Please attempt all questions.


Translate the following into English: Caesar non necatus esset nisi in urbem venisset.


Translate the following into Latin: If you had ever (umquam) loved me you would have written.


Translate the following into English: nisi cum uxore navigaveris, non ego veniam.


Translate the following into Latin: If we had been present you would have known.


Translate the following into English: si vere me amares, non hoc faceres.


Translate the following into English: si umquam me amavisses, non hoc nunc diceres.


Translate the following into English: si vere me amares, hoc faceres.


Translate the following into English: si cum uxore venias, Cicero non laetus sit.


Translate the following into English: si Caesar veniret, eum iam videremus.


Translate the following into English: nisi iuvenem rogavisset, non Romam navigavisset.


Translate the following into English: non nunc discederet, si amici adessent.


Translate the following into English: si haec dicas non credant.


Translate the following into English: si in silvam celerius curras, non videat te iuvenis.


Translate the following into English: si ex urbe celerius veneris laete te videbo.


Translate the following into English: si venisses, laetus fuissem.


Translate the following into English: si cum Ciceronis uxore discedas, non laetus sit.


Translate the following into Latin: If he loved you he would be here now.


Translate the following into Latin: If you should see the queen, you would not be happier.


Translate the following into English: si in silvam celerius curras, non capiat te miles.


Translate the following into Latin: If we were working the master would be happy.