Introductory Latin: Apposition

Exercise 17: Apposition

Extra information about a noun can be given by an adjective; it can also be given by putting after it and in the same case another noun or noun-phrase. E.g.:

a) ‘I praise Cicero, a man of the greatest bravery.’
laudo Ciceronem, virum summa fortitudine.

Sometimes the extra information is only relevant at the time of the main verb:

b) ‘As consul, Caesar made many allies.’
Caesar, consul, multos amicos fecit.

c) ‘I heard Cicero as [=when he was] as old man.’
audivi Ciceronem senem.

Adjectives can be used like this as well:

d) vivebam tristis (nominative singular).
‘I lived as a sad man (=sadly).’

e) Caesar tristis domum rediit.
‘Caesar went home as a sad man (=sadly).’

Remember adjectives always agree with the nouns they describe in number, case and gender.


Please attempt all questions.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: Caesarem, ... summa dignitate, Cicero laudavit.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: donum Cleopatrae, ... summa crudelitate, dedit Caesar.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: librum dedi Bruto, viro ... fortitudine.

Translate the following sentence: consul Gallis parcebam.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: Horatius poeta erat magna... .

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: Tarquinium, ... magna superbia, Brutus necavit.

Translate the following sentence: pauperes reginae nocuimus.

Translate the following sentence: puer Ciceronem audiebam.

Translate the following sentence: poeta multa scripsi.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: audiebam Cleopatram, ... magna pulchritudine.

Translate the following sentence: bonus non canibus nocebam.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: Romani viri magna ... fuerunt.

Translate the following sentence: vir summa sapientia, Ciceronem laudabam.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: servus ... adiuvabam.

Translate the following sentence: pauper dona servis dabam.

Translate the following sentence: vir summa fortitudine, urbem intravi.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: ... , viro summa sapientia, peperci.

Translate the following sentence: senex non curram.

Translate the following sentence: rex imperavi servis.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence: Caesar, homo summa ... , Ciceronem laudavit.